I went on a baking binge last weekend (note: this was the weekend before Halloween; keep reading to see the dramatic turn of events as to why this post is super late). I haven’t really made anything in a month and really wanted to do SOMETHING, but I had too many ideas. The frazzled and flustered conversationContinue reading “Hurricanes and Halloween”
Category Archives: custom design
Bee colored birthdays
I took a few weeks off to go on vacation (*sigh* one week of vacation is too short) and to gear up for the rest of this summer’s baking projects. This past weekend I had 2 orders for birthday cakes. Coincidentally, both requests were for predominately yellow and black designs, making me think of theContinue reading “Bee colored birthdays”
Margarita madness
I made THE ultimate summertime cupcakes, the kind you want on a nice sunny day to have at a family BBQ, babies are playing outside, disposable plates and plastic silverware are out, and flies are trying to get at your food. Super light margarita cupcakes spiked with just enough tequila and lime-flavored tangy frosting areContinue reading “Margarita madness”
Memorial Day weekend part 2: birthday
My sleep schedule has become completely out of whack b/c of this weekend. Ever since I didn’t sleep the night before Em’s wedding to work on her cake, I feel like I’m becoming a vampire and wanting to sleep (or @ least nap) during the day and stay up all night. On Sunday night VinContinue reading “Memorial Day weekend part 2: birthday”
Memorial Day weekend part 1: wedding
Part 1 comes with big news: I made my first official wedding cake for one of my closest friends. Em and I met while we were camp counselors for inner-city kids (it was hilarious b/c a lot of them were bigger than we were) and we shared a cozy apartment in Jersey City during college.Continue reading “Memorial Day weekend part 1: wedding”
Happy Mother’s Day… a.k.a. “Big Leagues, B*tches”
I was so super psyched that we were going to see my mom for Mother’s Day (she was happy about that, too). I haven’t been feeling well lately and one of the few things that makes you feel better is just being around mom. I wanted to get her a really nice gift since weContinue reading “Happy Mother’s Day… a.k.a. “Big Leagues, B*tches””
Easter is for eating!
First thing’s first… I WANTED to work on making gum paste flowers last weekend, but I spent a week reeling with excitement after seeing my steak cake featured on Yummly. You probably already know about it b/c I spammed the crap out of everyone I knew to look @ the April Fool’s Yummly article showcasingContinue reading “Easter is for eating!”
A modern take on old-fashioned cupcakes
This past weekend I baked for and attended this fantastic charity event sponsored by Party4aCause. A close friend’s fiance is a member and asked me to donate some baked goods for one of their events, and this seemed like a good contender for my one good deed for the year =P The idea was forContinue reading “A modern take on old-fashioned cupcakes”
Un Petit Gateau
My coworkers and I were throwing a surprise birthday party for the audit director and since it was a milestone event, I offered to make a small cake for our group. I was told he liked chocolate, so double chocolate devil’s food cake with chocolate frosting it was. I rolled out some fondant and punched out “HAPPY 40TH”,Continue reading “Un Petit Gateau”
Christmas ornament cake balls
Guess who had a full day of work and was still behind on writing cards and wrapping presents and still had not made Christmas Eve dessert by Friday afternoon on December 23? MEEEEE!!! That break I had the week before was more like a short gasp of air; there was so much to do @Continue reading “Christmas ornament cake balls”