Things @ the office are JUST starting to slow down as we’re approaching that holiday lull where nothing gets done b/c frankly… everyone I need to harass work w/is out on vacation. Normally, I like being super active and multi-tasking, but it was getting a bit out of control. The breathing time is quite welcomeContinue reading “Christmas cheer-cakes”
Category Archives: custom design
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Sometimes, a girl needs a good challenge. Something she really needs to do b/c it’s fun and rewarding even though she barely has time to breathe… or b/c she’s just mental. I’d like to think this is a little of both =) A while back, one of my friends referred her engaged friend to me andContinue reading “Laissez les bons temps rouler!”
“Look to me in my eyeball”
On off weekends, Vin and I catch up on all the shows we missed during the week and one day, we got reeled into watching “Along Came Polly” with Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston. It’s not a must-see, but there’s a memorable scene where the man-of-a-million-voices Hank Azaria shows up as this jacked up scubaContinue reading ““Look to me in my eyeball””
Seashells by the seashore…
After this weekend’s baking project, I wish I were on a nice beach instead of creating mini edible vacation scenes. A friend of a friend is getting married and the theme of her bridal shower: her honeymoon in the Caribbean. As soon as I heard that, I had the perfect idea in mind. I suggestedContinue reading “Seashells by the seashore…”
Baking dump
Things have been quite hectic these past few weeks so I’m just posting a quick blurb. I’ve actually been doing a lot of baking, but a massive workload has been dumped upon my desk so I haven’t been able to take pics or write anything witty or creative about the goods. Here’s a rundown of the past 3Continue reading “Baking dump”
Abstract art: Hello Kitty
It’s been a year since I started this so-called biz. How do remember the date? It’s been one year since I made custom Pinkalicious cupcakes for a coworker’s daughter’s birthday. This year, Hello Kitty cupcakes were requested. Due to time and budget constraints, I had to think about how to make some basic cupcakes thatContinue reading “Abstract art: Hello Kitty”
Babar & Tiny Tim go to this party…
Vin’s bro got married last year and he and his wife are expecting a little baby boy in a month. They’ve decked out the baby’s bedroom in this nice yellow and got these cute elephant-related bedding and decor for little Timmy’s arrival. Since their theme was quite obvious, I wanted to create cupcakes for myContinue reading “Babar & Tiny Tim go to this party…”
Vin’s birthday steak cake
Happy birthday to my amazing husband!!! We got this party started when I surprised Vin with a custom Intramural Zombie Hunting League shirt, complete with his nickname, fave number, and plenty of fake blood all over the tee. It should be a staple in any respectable zombie enthusiast’s collection. And I took him to aContinue reading “Vin’s birthday steak cake”
Fun with fondant & specialty brownies
I took last weekend off to visit my cousin in DC and we indulged in Viet food and ogled watched “Thor.” Both activities were quite awesome. =) And since the silly “Rapture” didn’t happen this weekend (or, I just wasn’t taken), I baked salted caramel & candied bacon brownies. Because it was a relativelyContinue reading “Fun with fondant & specialty brownies”
Quickie post: Lakers cupcakes
One of my orders this past weekend was for LA Lakers-themed chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and player numbers in white fondant. The frosting was a bit testy; cream cheese frosting is a little melty and soft to begin with, and the addition of food coloring made it a little more melty. ThisContinue reading “Quickie post: Lakers cupcakes”