Last Mother’s Day I made two small vanilla cakes for Vin’s mom and decorated them with some of the first frosting roses I’ve ever made. I remember one had chocolate frosting with pink roses cascading down the side, and the other had white vanilla frosting with lavender roses. I didn’t take any pictures @ theContinue reading “Happy Mother’s Day!”
Category Archives: custom design
THE drum set cake.
To date, this is my masterpiece. I was thinking of making a cake for Vin’s nephew’s birthday party, and since I know Jeremy prizes his drums and it’s his 10th birthday, I suggested making a cake that looked like his drum set. I think I may have been on drugs at the time, thinking IContinue reading “THE drum set cake.”
Cheesecake cupcakes
This past weekend was a roller coaster ride of emotions. Up: Vin and I had our nice little romantic Valentine’s Day outing; Down: he got a migraine. Up: we both decided we wanted to move back to the city and had a realtor come to check out our house; Down: the housing market isContinue reading “Cheesecake cupcakes”
Super Bowl Sunday: Beercakes and fun with frosting
In honor of the Super Bowl and not having orders for this weekend, I wanted to try out something different. I came across recipes for beer cupcakes and thought I should give it a shot. I love thick chocolate stouts, and cocoa would be perfect with the nice richness of Guinness (one of my faves!). Continue reading “Super Bowl Sunday: Beercakes and fun with frosting”
Midnight macaron madness
**Pictures to follow later. I didn’t have time to make macarons last night as intended, so I was determined to stay up and bake them tonight. This time, I made three different kinds of cookies (vanilla, chocolate, and coffee) and TONS of fillings: caramel icing, Nutella, strawberry spread, coconut frosting, candied bacon, Bailey’s mint icing,Continue reading “Midnight macaron madness”
Domo-kun: "Otanjoubi omedetou!" *
*”Happy birthday” in Japanese I had a fantastic birthday weekend… more like birthday WEEK. Vin took me on a long-awaited, much needed vacation to Riviera Maya and we ate/drank/got crazy tan lines while everyone else was dealing with a snowstorm in the Northeast. Then we come back to NY and had a whole smoked pigContinue reading “Domo-kun: "Otanjoubi omedetou!" *”
Checkerboard birthday cake
This is one way of killing two birds with one stone… giving your parents an awesome birthday present and giving me business @ the same time. hahaha My friend Danny wanted to order a birthday cake for his parents (what a sweet son he is!) and was open to any ideas. So I asked whatContinue reading “Checkerboard birthday cake”
Pineapple upside down cakes… take two!
A friend heard that I made pineapple upside down cakes in cupcake form and placed an order for a dozen. Now, I can’t just make 12 cupcakes. It’s like… only performing a third of a classical masterpiece such as, say… “Liebestraume” and leaving it at that. Nooo… I made extra batter, more caramel and openedContinue reading “Pineapple upside down cakes… take two!”
Bones & Blossoms & Boxes
I must have not been thinking straight last week because I took on a double order for Saturday. During one of the most insane work weeks ever. While practically OD’ing on precautionary vitamins and supplements and even when I had the slightest tickle in my throat because I was surrounded by sniffling and sneezing andContinue reading “Bones & Blossoms & Boxes”
Angel food cupcakes
Upon seeing a photo of the Pinkalicious cupcakes on facebook, a friend made a comment and said “I’d like to place an order for my birthday… about 2 dozen cupcakes sound good.” I thought she was joking, so I went along with it and said “Sure! What kind would you like and when?” A coupleContinue reading “Angel food cupcakes”